Tälle sivulle olemme koonneet Citrixin asiakkaiden kertomuksia Citrix teknologian hyödyntämisestä.
Nämä kaikki asiakaskertomukset ovat terveydenhuollon alalta.
Citrix Healthcare – A day in the life
Citrix technology helps healthcare organizations to modernize systems, improve application accessibility and mobility throughout their organizations, improve customer service, lower total cost of IT operations, and increase security, regulatory compliance and overall patient confidentiality. Discover how Citrix can help your healthcare organization!
Södertälje Hospital XenDesktop reference case
Södertälje Hospital XenDesktop reference case with SmartCard and E-idetity.
Secure Mobility – Miami Children’s Hospital Customer Story
Dr. Burke of Miami Children’s Hospital relies on Citrix and mobile devices to instantly access critical information, saving lives and diagnosing patients from anywhere. Visit www.citrix.com/workbetter to see more featured customer stories.
Citrix Customer Testimonial – Kindred Healthcare – Rob Rhodes, Technical Consultant
In this video, Rob Rhodes, the Citrix Technical Consultant at Kindred Healthcare, discusses how Citrix is enabling mobile workstyles and why Kindred selected Citrix solutions to power their IT strategy.
Seattle Children’s Hospital uses Citrix solutions for networking and virtualization solutions to enable clinicians access to patient data at the point of care.
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Kaikki terveydenhuollon asiakaskertomukset taas tämän linkin takaa.